We are hosted by charted organization St. Jude the Apostle Church located in Baton Rouge, LA. We hope you and your boys will be lifelong Scouters and Scouts. You will find much information on our home page and on the national scouting website.

Visit the Pack Web Site for all Events, Calendars and Photos of Fun!

Scouting helps meet six essential needs of young people:

  • Mentoring


    Scouting provides youth with good role models who can have a powerful impact on their lives. We have a provess that screens, selects, and trains the leaders who can provide the attention all yound people need to succeed in life.

  • Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong Learning

    Scouting provides structured settings where kids can learn new skills and develop habits of continual learning that will help them succeed. Scouting offers a proven program of discovering, sharing, and applying knowledge and skills that last a lifetime.

  • Faith Traditions

    Faith Traditions

    One of the key tenets of Scouting is “duty to God.” While Scouting does not define religious belief for its member, it does encourage each young person to begin a spiritual journey through the practice of his or her faith tradition.

  • Serving Others

    Serving Others

    Scouting is deeply rooted in the concept of doing for others. “Do a Good Turn Daily” is a core Scouting precept. Scouting encourages young people to recognize the needs of others and take action accordingly.

  • Healthy Living

    Healthy Living

    Young people need to be well. To get the most from life, one must be both mentally and physically fit. A commitment to physical wellness has been reflected in Scouting’s outdoor programs such as hiking, camping, swimming, climbing, and conservation. First aid, lifesaving, and safety programs are synonymous with Scouting. Our programs today include strong drug abuse awareness and prevention programs emphasizing the value of healthy living habits.

  • Building Character

    Building Character

    Few will argue with the importance of teaching values and responsibility to our children – not only right from wrong, but specific, affirmative values such as fairness, courage, honor, and respect for others. Beginning with the Scout Oath and Scout Law, the Boy Scouts of America program is infused with character-building activities that allow youth to apply abstract principles to daily living situations.

You are invited to contact any of our leaders by visiting our “Contact the Leaders” page. We are all available to help answer any questions or concerns.

On behalf of Pack 103 – The St. Jude the Apostle Cub Scouts – We wish you and your family the very best and hope you will become the next scouting family in our Pack.


Your Leaders
Cub Scout Pack 103