The Kindergarten curriculum incorporates the Diocese of Baton Rouge Curriculum Standards.

Our program uses an integrated curriculum of pre-writing, art, pre-reading, language, pre-math, social studies and science to teach to the individual child. The integrated system includes the use of several learning centers, group instruction, outdoor interactive play, as well as time in small groups with the teacher each day. Religion is taught daily.

Our Classes

All class intervals are 30 minutes. Music, physical education, and computer are taught once a week. French teaches conversational French, such as greetings, letters, numbers, and songs, once a week. Art instruction is also provided once per week. Students do visit the school library weekly, and may check out books. There is one teacher and one teacher assistant in each of the classrooms. Students must turn 5 years old on or before September 30 of the year they start Kindergarten.