Our History
Saint Jude the Apostle School is a fully accredited school located in a suburban residential area of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Our school offers each student an opportunity to create a lifelong commitment to learning and growth in their Catholic faith through teaching and modeling. The pastor, administration, teachers, and support staff are united in one commitment to provide a diverse educational environment that promotes each student to attain their fullest potential by recognizing and respecting their individual needs and differences. In guiding them in their understanding of their relationship with Christ, we encourage students to develop their unique talents and abilities they each possess.
Family & Community
St. Jude’s community support and dedication to the ministry of education is present and highly visible throughout the campus. The selfless giving of time, talent, and treasure given by all of our stakeholders allows us to provide various school wide endeavors that enrich academic programs and support the development of student and family life.
School Spirit
We are proud to be Cougars!
Learn how you can support our school and our students by volunteering, donating, and ordering car decals, school shirts, and more!