All students in grades 4th-8th are encouraged to apply for membership in any of the clubs and organizations sponsored by St. Jude School.
Such activities are an important part of a student’s life and the life of the school. A student in an extracurricular activity is required to attend the scheduled events of the organization.
Eligibility requires an overall GPA of 2.25 and no F’s in any academic subject in order to participate. Also, any student participating in an athletic activity must maintain at least a B average in conduct. Conduct is checked on a weekly basis. If the student fails to maintain these requirements, he/she will be put on probation. If no improvement is noted, he/she will be removed from the activity. See Athletic Handbook for further guidelines.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers
Students in grades 4th-8th are encouraged to become altar servers. This is considered a privilege and the student’s conduct must reflect acceptable behavior.
Junior Beta Club
Junior Beta Club
Eligible students are invited to join the Jr. Beta Club at the beginning of their seventh or eighth grade year. Members must have a GPA of 3.25. For the 7th grade students, the 6th grade final GPA is used, and for 8th grade students, the 7th grade final GPA is used. Subjects that determine this average are religion, math, science, social studies, literature, and English. Members must have an A or B in conduct at all times.
Community Cougars
Community Cougars
Community Cougars is a service organization for students in grades 7th and 8th. The primary goal of this club is to offer and promote opportunities for students to become involved in our community. There are no GPA requirements; however, a student’s conduct will be closely monitored. Additionally, because we want to afford all students the opportunity to represent his/her school in some form of extracurricular activity, a member of the Jr. Beta Club (a service organization in itself) is not eligible to join Community Cougars. Students who have a genuine interest in serving our community and exhibit responsible behavior are encouraged to join this club.
Both boys and girls have the opportunity to join a scouting program through Brownies, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, offered through St. Jude Parish.
Math Club
Math Club
Students are invited to become members based on the following: math grade, standardized test scores, and teacher recommendations. Due to the advanced level of this group, only select students are invited to participate.
Additional Clubs
Additional Clubs
St. Jude School offers several clubs (i.e. choir, band, etc.) to promote educational and social opportunities, thus enabling a student to realize his/her talents and interests, as well as learning how to live, work, and share with others. (Individual sponsors can explain varying guidelines for their organizations.)