St. Jude offers a broad array of athletic programs for students in Pre-K thru 8th grade.

The basic philosophy is to promote involvement, individual skill development, and the concepts of teamwork, team goals, and self sacrifice. Our programs include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, football, soccer, swimming, track and volleyball. The strength of our programs relies heavily on parental involvement, so if you’d like to get involved, please contact Lindsey McCombie for more details.

New CSAA Program

As many of you have heard, the CYO and CSAL organizations have closed.  A new organization , CSAA (Catholic School Athletic Association) has been developed and will be directed by Mr. Daryl Glueck.  An article introducing Mr. Glueck can be found in the Catholic Commentator.  We welcome him as our director and look foward to working with him in his efforts to continue sports for our students.

Mission Statement

The St. Jude the Apostle School Athletic Association provides programs, for all students, which promote healthy physical, emotional, and social growth and enhance the pursuit of faith, academics, and excellence.

Participation Standards

Student Athlete Standards

Students who elect to participate in extracurricular activities must remember that in doing so they are accepting the responsibility of maintaining acceptable behavior at all times. Through their participation, they represent the total enrollment of our school.

Students who participate in school-based sports must be cooperative with coaches and may be removed from the team by the Program Director should a serious incident occur during a sports related activity.

Disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated. Players should be on time, attentive, and cooperative during all practices and games.  Players should be respectful of his teammates, never criticizing another  player’s mistakes or ability.  Any violation of this rule during practices or games could result in suspension from play.

Should disciplinary problems arise concerning a student involved in extracurricular activities, a conference will be scheduled with the parent in order to determine if continued participation is in the best interest of the student.  Although we set guidelines for eligibility requirements, the final decision in this matter is left to the discretion of the Principal.

School Attendance Requirements

If a student is absent or checks out due to illness, he may not participate in a practice or game that afternoon or evening.  If a student checks in by 11:30, he may practice or play in the game that day.  If a student checks out for an appointment, he/she may only practice or play in a game that afternoon or evening if he/she presents a doctor’s excuse.

When a child is checked out for a doctor’s appointment, the child should be returned to school as quickly as possible.  We discourage excessive scheduling of doctor’s appointments during the school day.  The School Administration reserves the right to remove any student from school-sponsored sports eligibility should a serious incident occur during the school day or at a sports or school related activity, whether on or off St. Jude’s campus.

Student Academic Requirements

Because participation in extracurricular activities requires additional time after school and away from academic preparation, it is necessary for parents to consider this aspect when allowing their child to take part in after school activities.

In accordance with St. Jude policy, the minimum academic requirement is an overall grade point average of 2.25 and at least a B average in conduct.  The GPA is comprised of all academic courses and the average of the enrichment grades (no F’s in academic subjects will be allowed).  Prior to the first progress report in September, the fourth nine weeks grades for the preceding school year will determine player eligibility.  A student transferring in from another school may be put on probation based on the principal’s review of prior academic performance at the preceding school.  If the student fails to maintain these requirements, he/she will be put on probation for one grading period (a grading period is determined by progress reports and report cards).  After the probationary period, if a student again fails to meet the academic requirements, he/she will be suspended from the team.  A student on academic probation may continue to practice and play with the team.  If the grade requirements are not met and the student is removed from the team, they may no longer participate in any practice, game or team function.